cast was amazing, working with the audience as well as each other. There was a
very memorable moment where the audience was asked to blow up balloons for the
entrance of two characters. Not only was it fun for the audience, but it
allowed for an improvised moment between an actor and an audience member. The
audience member tied the balloon and was not supposed to. The cast member spoke
to her, saying that she clearly tied the balloon. It was a fantastic moment for
everyone except her. I could go into detail describing each actor and how well
they performed. But all I need to say is as long as you have the money and the
means to get to a theatre, there is no reason not to see it.
I’ll just spend a paragraph writing in the point of view of someone who doesn’t
like it. Please welcome Paddy the Pessimist.
you for having me. Oh, how much I hate having fun and generally enjoying life.
I saw a kid with an ice cream cone today, so I knocked it out of his hand.
Anyway, the play. The cast was too energetic and too good at performing it. The
writing had too much comedy and had too much tragedy woven together tighter
than a spiders web. Overall the play was just too bad. Bad bad bad. Now excuse
me, I have to get myself another spoonful of baby seal.
we go. I hope you have an understanding of who would not like the show. I’m
sorry if this seems a little slapdash, I just have nothing to say other than go
watch it.
Why are you still here? GO WATCH IT!
I completely agree with this. I thought that the audience to actor interaction was one of the best aspects of the performance! Such a good show.