Thursday, March 16, 2017

The Night of the Iguana

Review by Heaven Bellamy
This play was a genuine portrayal of a struggling American man. The details and background stories behind the characters created believable dynamics between each actor in this production. Shane, the main character served as a centerpiece of drama because of his lust full way of adulterated love. The plot shifts with each of his love interests, one of which is an extremely underage girl that has a major role, but very little lines.
The presence of renowned actors on stage only added to the cinematic experience. The scene where the play takes place never changes and it doesn’t actually need to because the audience experiences time passing the same way that characters in the play did.
Each act was presented in one progressing night. It began with an incredible afternoon sun, and ended with a beautiful purple and violet sunset. The set couldn’t have been more convincing of a Mexican Island. The sound of seagulls, with the recreation of thunder and rain astounded the audience, and made for an extremely inventive show.
The Night of the Iguana at the American Repertory Theatre is surely a show that is worth the watch. It is engaging because of its dramatic storyline, unforgettable cast, and amazing set design.

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