Friday, March 7, 2014

First lines...the "hook" to a review

Interesting, to say the most.

If it were to be put into a category, it would be 'Instrumental Noise'.

You see a piano and here a flute. You can’t see many instruments, but you can hear six others that aren’t in front of you.

So that’s what humans sound like.

Loud banging on a piano interrupts a steady beat.

Anyone is welcome to come play just don’t forget your kitchen utensils.

The definition of music is all wrong.

A piano lost its dignity yesterday.

It struck me like chalk on a chalk board, over the sound of a child pianist, the blow of a little girl wishing she could blow more air into her flute… but stopping abruptly making sure to not portray the incapability of playing an instrument.

After 314 Years a new way to play the piano has finally been discovered.

Wait, was that a concert?

They said the vibrations would fill my heart and my mind…

Art is not always what we usually expect. It might be something that we would never understand, but still will considering as an art. Sometimes we need help or time to understand the piece of art and its beauty."

The pulse taken from one’s blood flow throughout their veins can inspire a musical composition.

Music is found everywhere.

Concerts are not always “music to my ears”.

That was a concert and not just a warm up? 

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