Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Accidental Adventures with Chaplin by Kara L'Heureux

Accidental Adventures with Chaplin by Kara L'Heureux

Chaplin and his billionaire friend from City Lights
          City Lights is the story of a mischievous Little Tramp and his accidental adventures.  This funny story has moments of love between the Tramp and a blind girl, and mischief between the Tramp and his friend the Drunk Billionaire. With silly moments and little gimmicks and jokes the story is always interesting and funny in new ways each scene.
          Even at a time with sound in movie technology now available this silent movie still competes in its own unique way.  Using very few speech cards it shows emotions and tender moments easily.   It also uses sped up film, quick gags, music, and sound effects for comedic effect. This film is also never slow or dull with a quick changing plot and comedic moments filling in the gaps in the story’s plot.
          Charlie Chaplin succeeds as both an actor and director. As an actor he lives in the character creating his own walk and way of communication.  He is always in the moment of his character and every action he does is over the top and shows what kind of person the tramp is. The tramp steals every scene with his hilarious movements and his silly mistakes making the character very likeable.
         As a director Charlie accomplishes his biggest goal in making the story clear without speech.  Chaplin challenges himself and doesn’t go little with plot lines. Filming wise he films each scene in one shot making them fluid and realistic. With his wide angle filming he also tells the story from the point of view of the audience and keeps the plot the main focus instead of the individuals. The choices he makes are bold but make the story unique and entertaining. The love story between the blind girl and the little tramp shows a relationship through touch and speech but without any speaking, touch becomes the most important sense. Chaplin makes every movement between these two so clear allowing the audience to believe that they love each other even when one can’t see.
          City Lights story is not completely new but the way Chaplin reinvents it come of fresh and funny.  The story has many repeating moments like when the drunken billionaire remembers the tramp and then when he is sober and forgets the tramp. These little moments move along the story and add problem and calamity. This movie contains a little bit of everything, love, comedy and expresses it all without speech. Chaplin’s classic film competes with many movies that have sound and speaking. It has received its title as a classic for a reason and this funny movie will do much more them make viewers laugh.  

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